Thursday, 23 November 2017

Blockchain in Education

136 page publication from Alexander Grech and Anthony F. Camilleri published via the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, who's aim is to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process.

This report introduces the fundamental principles of the Blockchain focusing on its potential for the education sector, explaining how the technology may both disrupt institutional norms and empower learners.

The authors propose eight scenarios for the application of the Blockchain in an education context, based on the current state of technology development and deployment.

Scenario 1: Using Blockchains to permanently secure certificates
Scenario 2: Using blockchains to verify multi-step accreditation
Scenario 3: Using a blockchain for automatic recognition and transfer of credits
Scenario 4: Using a blockchain as a lifelong learning passport
Scenario 5: Blockchain for tracking intellectual property and rewarding use and re-use of that property
Scenario 6: Receiving payments from students via blockchains
Scenario 7: Providing student funding via blockchains, in terms of vouchers
Scenario 8: Using Verified Sovereign Identities for Student Identification within Educational Organisations

More to follow ...

Download the report here.