Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Where Is Current Research on Blockchain Technology? — A Systematic Review

Research which conducted a systematic mapping study with the goal of collecting all relevant research on Blockchain technology.

The objective is to understand the current research topics, challenges and future directions regarding Blockchain technology from the technical perspective.

The results show that focus in over 80% of the papers is on Bitcoin system and less than 20% deals with other Blockchain applications including e.g. smart contracts and licensing.

The majority of research is focusing on revealing and improving limitations of Blockchain from privacy and security perspectives, but many of the proposed solutions lack concrete evaluation on their effectiveness.

Many other Blockchain scalability related challenges including throughput and latency have been left unstudied.

The paper from Yli-Huumo J, Ko D, Choi S, Park S & Smolander K is available under Creative Commons licence from PLOS ONE.