Thursday, 6 December 2018

Blockchain - Where's the Evidence of Value Add

MERL Tech are carrying a guest post by John Burg (Policy, Planning and Learning Fellow at USAID), Christine Murphy (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Capacity-Building Specialist at Social Solutions International) and Jean Paul Pétraud (Monitoring and Evaluation Fellow at USAID), which summarises their research based around the question of blockchain technology having important benefits for data collection, management, and use.

To cut a short story even shorter, the simple answer to their question is - of the 43 use-cases studied, "we found no documentation or evidence of the results blockchain was purported to have achieved in these claims."

OK, it's only 43 projects, and they may have got unlucky in the ones they researched, but it does sort of suggest that blockchain companies are good on their sales pitches, but not so hot on their delivery.

Read the article from MERL Tech here.